Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A GREAT RESOURCE: www.healingwell.com

If you or someone you love is living with a chronic illness, take some time to check out this wonderful website. It offers a thriving support community, a blog, lots of informative videos and resources as well as a monthly newsletter. The link is www.healingwell.com They have won many awards for their site and been featured on several news broadcasts.

Finding a community of people who are experiencing both the successes and challenges of a chronic illness has been shown over and over to be one of the most helpful strategies for coping. This site has a long list of illnesses ranging from cancer to IBS and each one has a community of people that dialogue on the internet. In long term illness, the goal is often healing and not cure and sharing your experiences with others facilitates this. I love that the internet enables people to connect with others in similar situations and removes the barrier of physical distance.