Signs & Symptoms of Food Sensitivities
The following list is taken from my book, "Could It Really Be Something They Ate? -The Life Changing Impact of Addressing Food Sensitivities in Children" As you read through the list, tick off the symptoms that relate to yourself either currently or in the past with an X and mark the ones that occur in other members of your extended family with an F. If you tick many symptoms on the list or a have a large number of symptoms within a particular body system, the chances are very high that your symptoms may be related to something in your diet. My book then leads you through the process of successfully identifying what the trigger food might be and how to successfully remove it from your diet, despite your busy life.The book is available from a link on this website and additional information on the content of the book as well as other resources can be found on my other website at
- itching—any body part
- eczema
- recurrent hives
- fungal infections (athlete's foot or yeast infections)
- excessive sweating particularly at night
- acne
- family history of skin problems
- skin problems as a baby
- hair loss
- brittle nails
- recurrent red or flushed cheeks
- dislike of being cuddled or touched
- small pimples on buttocks
- scalded, red appearance on buttocks as a baby
- rapid development of hives following exposure to a food or other substance
B ) Nervous System
- headaches
- migraines
- depression
- difficulty sleeping
- excessive tiredness
- sensitivity to cold or heat
- nightmares
- mood swings
- negative, apathetic attitude
- difficulty learning sequential concepts such as telling time
- poor memory
- difficulty remembering directions, particularly if they involve several steps
- weak organizational skills
- unexplained crying spells
- angry outbursts
- restlessness
- short attention span
- unusual twitches or tics
- outbursts of foul language
- diagnosis of Tourettes syndrome
- unusual repetitive behaviours such as cracking knuckles, blinking eyes
- learning disabilities
- hyperactive behaviour
- premature birth
- excessive sensitivity to being touched
- diagnosed with autism by physician
- daytime fatigue or sleepiness
- anxiety
- restless legs
- accident-prone
- leads with same foot when climbing stairs rather than alternating feet
- excessively clingy as a child
- craves a particular food excessively
- desire to crouch or hide in small corners or under furniture
- noticeable decrease in writing or reading ability after exposure to problem food or chemical
- family history of alcoholism
- delayed speech
- reluctance to keep clothing on as a child
- extremely active in utero before delivery
- hyperactive behaviour as an infant such as shaking crib, banging head
- excessive tantrums
- easily frustrated over small events
C ) Eyes and Vision
- increased sensitivity to light
- excessive blinking
- excessive rubbing of eyes
- tired, watery eyes
- itchy or red eyes
- dark circles or bags under eyes
- wrinkles under the eyes
- difficulty following moving objects with both eyes as the same time
- difficulty keeping place when reading
- crossed eyes
- "spaced out" look and appearance of being disconnected from their environment
D ) Ears
- chronic ear infections
- decreased ability to hear
- increased sensitivity to noise
- ringing in the ears
- repeated courses of antibiotics
- redness on the outside of one or both ears
E ) Nose
- chronic stuffy nose
- chronic runny nose
- repeated rubbing and itching of nose
- excessive sneezing
- repeated sinus infections
- reduced or heightened sense of smell
- recurrent nose bleeds
- pain from blocked sinuses
- hayfever
- repeated use of antihistamines
F ) Mouth and Throat
- bad taste in mouth
- bad breath
- chronic tonsillitis
- hoarse voice
- persistent and recurrent canker sores
- constant clearing of throat
- swollen, red, cracked lips
- excessive thirst, particularly for carbonated drinks
- sucking on fingers or clothes
- recurrent cold sores
- thick, white coating on tongue or inside of cheeks
- relentless talking and rambling on without a great deal of meaning
- stuttering
- excessive drooling as an infant
- unusual moans, groans, or strange sounds repeated often
- history of mouth infections such as thrush
- history of recurrent dental disease
- diagnosed with enlarged thyroid or underactive thyroid
- feeling of having a lump in the throat
- enlarged thyroid, diagnosed with hyper or hypothyroidism
G ) Lungs and Heart
- persistent cough during the day
- persistent cough at night
- family history of asthma
- asthma (diagnosed by MD)
- recurrent croup as a child
- recurrent bronchitis
- recurrent pneumonia
- taking asthma medications
- wheezing when exercising
- shortness of breath when exercising or climbing stairs or hills
- wheezing in cold weather
- rapid onset of respiratory distress symptoms upon contact with specific food or other substance
H ) Digestive Tract
- bloating and excessive gas
- recurrent hiccoughs
- increased or decreased appetite
- itchy, red, area around anus
- recurrent diarrhea
- recurrent constipation
- chronic stomach aches
- tendency to become overweight easily
- underweight for age
- soiling of underwear with stool
- hemorrhoids
- history of colic as an infant
- family history of digestive complaints
- chronic esophageal reflux (heartburn)
- repeated choking
- history of low blood sugar
- history of excessive spitting up as an infant
- repeated vomiting as an infant or child
- recurrent hiccoughs while baby in uterus of mother
- stomach ulcers
- gall bladder disease or removal of gall bladder
- bulemia
- anorexia
- family history of eating disorders
- diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome
- diagnosed with Crohn's disease
- diagnosed with ulcerative colitis
- diagnosed with other bowel disease
- episode of severe travelers diarrhea
I ) Muscles and Joints
- swollen feet and legs
- cold hands and feet
- muscle cramps and spasms during the day
- muscles cramps and spasms, particularly at night
- muscle stiffness, particularly in the morning
- sore, aching muscles
- muscle weakness on exertion
- numbness in fingers or toes
- fibromyalgia
- autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus, or ankylosing spondylitis
- slouches often and falls over if pushed even slightly when sitting or standing
- difficulty performing exercises that require bilaternal coordination such as jumping jacks
- walking by seven to ten months
- sore, stiff joints
- arthritis
J ) Urinary and Genital Tract
- frequent need to urinate
- bed wetting past age 3
- wetting during the day past age 3
- urgent need to urinate
- history of recurrent bladder infections
- kidney infection
- red, inflamed genital area
- itchy genital area
- heavy or irregular menstrual periods
- increase or decrease in sex drive
- genital sores
- recurrent vaginal yeast infections
- excessive pulling or rubbing of their genitals in infants and children
- HIV positive - self or other family members
- diagnosed with diabetes
- family history of diabetes
- impotence in men
- irregular menstruation in women
- painful menstruation in women
- no normal menstruation
- prostate problems in men
- prostate problems in men of extended family
- infertility
- infertility in members of extended family
- high blood pressure
- high blood pressure in extended family
- higher than normal blood pressure as a child
- rapid pulse
- abnormally slow pulse without strong physical fitness
- bruise easily
- taking heart or blood pressure medication
- fluid retention - puffy ankles or hands
- congenital heart disease as a child
- congenital heart disease in a family member
Before attributing any symptom or behaviour to a food sensitivity, it is important to rule out any other serious illness.
This information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice.
Before taking action on any of the information contained in this website, please consult a qualified health professional such as a nurse, a physician, or a registered dietician.
Dynamic Choices does not accept any liability or responsibility for any adverse effects arising directly or indirectly as a result of information contained on this website.