How comfortable are you being alone? No distractions, no conversations, nothing to do and nowhere to go? Are you overwhelmed with thoughts of your "to do" list or are you simply antsy to get on with something - anything, to relieve those anxious feelings that are beginning to surface?
One of the places of growth for me in the last year has been to learn to sit quietly with myself and with God. I have been to two silent retreats which, if you know me well, is a BIG stretch. I love to chat, have meaningful and deep conversations and spend time with the important people in my life. I am learning that silence allows me to access a deep inner wisdom that I had often lost touch with. I love the phrase in the book by Thomas Keating that says, "Contemplative prayer undoes the strings of the sludge of the unconscious". Healing can be found in silence and contemplation.
In the beginning my mind raced everywhere and reminded me constantly of all the things I needed "to do" in my life. Now, however, I am able to relish the quiet ritual of contemplation in my day and I notice my day simply feels calmer and lighter when I begin and end it in silence. Thoughts of all kinds appear and, if I don't grab onto them but allow them to quietly slip past my awareness, I am finding that many of the challenges of my life are getting easier.
What about you? Do you ever allow yourself time to step out of the busy pace of your life and enjoy the experience of doing nothing? Do you walk in nature, sit in the sun, or simply sit quietly in your bed for a few nourishing minutes? It often seems that when life is the most stressful is when we forget to simply sit, rest, take a few breaths and listen for the wise internal voice that we all possess. I hope this serves as a reminder to stop often in your day and notice how you are really doing. Take some time to get comfortable being alone and you might be surprised what you might learn about yourself. Perhaps, like me, you will even find healing of some of those old stories from your past and a renewed sense of peace in your life.