Are you or someone you love struggling with the symptoms of depression? Have you ever considered that the food you are eating might be a significant part of the cause?
I have spent 8 hours today immersed in the physiology of food sensitivities. I was proof reading this section for my book and filling in the gaps in the places where I felt I was lacking information or resources. I know the material well and have spent over 25 years working with people, including my own family, to help them address the diet triggers and symptoms in their life. Without doubt, the most controversial symptoms that are attributed to food are ones that relate to mental health and behaviour.
Many years ago Dr. Feingold identified that children with ADD improved dramatically when food colouring and artificial chemicals were removed from their diet. Dr. Doris Rapp, a well known American pediatric allergist and environmental specialist has written several books on the impact of food sensitivities on the behavior, attitude, and mental health of children. Her website is www.dorisrappmd.com Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has treated hundred's of children with autism, schizophrenia, ADD and ADHD with diet and had amazing results. Her book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" tells the story about her work. Her website can be found at www.gutandpsychologysyndrome.com Despite the literature and the research that supports this topic, the number of people educated about the connection between food and mental health is small.
While I have personally seen the mental health of my clients transformed, the possibility that a change in their diet is what made the difference is still usually dismissed by their physicians. I helped another woman this past week whose depression disappeared after only 3 weeks on a dairy free, gluten free diet. I have also witnessed the same transformation in children. It is a source of great frustration for me that more people do not have this information so at least they could make a conscious choice whether or not to give it a try. I am aware tonight after spending hours on my book again today of the reason I am writing it. Food does have a huge impact on mental health, behaviour, attitude, learning, and health and I am committed to spreading the word. It is a drug free, safe, relatively easy, and inexpensive way to regain your health and the potential for your life and the lives of your children. Spread the word!! It might just be the answer for someone you love!