Mother Theresa said, "We can do no great things, just small things with great love." I love this quote as it is a reminder to be intentional about how we show up in our life day to day, minute by minute. While the significant things we do for others are always appreciated, it is most often the small, seemingly insignificant things we offer that have the biggest impact. When in your life has someone reached across the table and taken your hand when you were upset? When has someone just called to say hi when they knew your were having a difficult time? When did you take a minute from your busy life to smile at the elderly man at the bus stop or the homeless man sitting on the cold sidewalk in the rain? When is the last time you hugged your child as they run by or told a friend how much of a difference they make in your life?
Where you focus in life is where your life goes. If you live in moments of gratitude as you travel through your day, the experience of your life with be transformed. We all long to be known and seen so having someone give us even a few moments of their undivided interest and attention feels amazing. Nowhere is this more obvious than in hospitals of all kinds. As a nurse, I have witnessed thousands of "moments" where someone's sadness, pain, and fear is lessened by a momentary touch, a smile, or a listening ear.
So, I challenge you today to be present in your life as you go. Don't rush past the people, the flowers, the children, the sunsets, the music or the thousands of small things that will cross your path today. Give the people you meet a moment of your time and attention and watch how it will transform the experience of your day.