Today I am doing something new, inviting and a bit edgy - I am going on a silent retreat for the weekend. It was one of those lovely "coincidences that crossed my path last week and my soul lept at the peace and rest the idea offered. My recent vaccination for H1N1 had resulted in a flare up of my autoimmune disorder and I was pondering what it was that I needed. God's lovely voice whispered in my ear to "Google silent retreats" and the perfect one appeared. I always try to listen to these whisperings as they have offered me many gifts over the years so I decided to go.
Meditation, silence, quiet contemplation, and prayer have always helped me quiet the background noise of my life so I could find answers to whatever questions were in front of me. I have certainly increased my time spent listening rather than "doing" over the last year and it has made a big difference in my life. Paths become clear, creative ideas percolate to the surface, and old stories and feelings can be felt then let go.
One of my reasons for choosing this silent retreat is to again try to clarify the path of my work. I have multiple opportunities, different directions I can choose, and a need to be efficient in what I choose to honour the balance I want in my life. I know that it is in the silence and the letting go of my own agenda that I find my way.
What about you? What dreams do you have that you are pushing aside because of the busy "doing" of your life? What exciting opportunities are being created in your life that you are not willing to try because your saboteur tells you it is "impossible"? Is your life so full of "opportunities" that, rather than listen to your soul and choose the resonant ones, you are grabbing at them all and feeling exhausted?
Marcia Wider who calls herself America's dream coach has listed 10 steps she suggests will help you recognize your dream when it appears. We all have natural gifts and talents that we are meant to use to enrich this world but often we miss the opportunities or are too afraid to take a risk. Here is her list. Take a few minutes to ponder where in your life these steps might be calling you to some amazing journey.
When an opportunity appears in your life that makes you feel alive and excited, take time to explore the idea. If you find yourself thinking about the idea often, imaging what is possible or how your life would be changed if you took the chance, explore the idea further.
When you notice common themes, opportunities, and perhaps even dreams that speak to a particular idea, take time to ponder what information might be being offered.
Often the topics related to your dream are so compelling that they absorb your thoughts, even when you are doing other things.
Sometimes you are totally clear on what you want and how the dream will feel and sometimes the edginess of the idea has you confused and shaking in your boots. Both experiences simply mean you are up to something big and that you are ready for a big leap or change. Keep exploring the idea as clarity and decisions will come.
This is the experience that appears when things just seem to flow and the pieces fit into place. Despite hitting hurdles and disappointments, the path somehow has a feeling of ease.
This is the experience of knowing something is right "in your bones." You might not be able to explain why but your intuition is telling you to go for it. Listen carefully and don't let your saboteur make up a story about why it won't work.
When unexplained opportunties appear without you having to work hard to create them, they are gifts being offered to your story. Accept these gifts and notice how much easier they make the path you are on. The right time and right place for your dream might just have appeared!
Sometimes the right people and right opportunities appear magically in your life. Just when you were struggling to figure out how to find a book agent, a friend offers the perfect connection. Or, like me, just when you knew you needed something but weren't sure what, a silent retreat appears on your computer.
When you have the perfect set of skills, passions, and interests to do a job, this is more than coincidence. Dreams most often allow you to pick up your own unique gifts and talents and use them in a way that makes a difference in the world.
If the idea of doing what your dream is offering brings a smile to your face, a spring to your step, and makes your heart sing, you are in right place! If the idea of never getting to pursue this dream feels sad and difficult, take a risk, make a plan, and leap!! The magic available on the other side of the risk might just change your experience of your life.
For me, as I have written these 10 points here, I have more clarity for myself. Every one of the these items points me in the direction of finishing my book and then speaking on the topic when I am done. I am passionate about the impact of food on the health, behaviour and learning of children and their families and I have 27 years experience of living this story with myself and my own family. It is a dream to offer this information back to the world as I know, first hand, how much it can change lives. Perhaps my retreat this weekend will offer a little more wisdom on the topic. I will practice letting go of my own agenda and trust that what I hear will be perfect for what I need. I hope you will learn to do the same.