Today is my very first posting on my new blog! It is also the beginning of a more unified vision for my business that more closely reflects what I do and what I want to do. A marketing book I read asked the question, "What are you selling" and, after much reflection, I decided what I wanted to sell was HOPE. Not the kind of HOPE that makes us sit around waiting for something better tomorrow but the kind of HOPE that enables us to live well today and keep growing and changing for a more fulfilling tomorrow. I love working with people in all walks of life who challenge themselves to find answers for their struggles yet are looking for ways to be happy today.
I find myself today falling yet again into the "shoulds" of my life. I should post often. I should say something significant. I should, I should.................. Enough!! Today I will listen to the words of Pema Chodron which remind me only to offer myself "loving kindness" instead. I will take myself lightly, celebrate where I have come from and where I have been and smile at these voices of my gremlin. As I offer myself these words of encouragement, I offer them also to you. I hope they will help you remember to smile more often, laugh at yourself, and celebrate who you are. Look honestly at your life rather than hide but offer yourself lots of grace as you go.
"From the very beginning to the very end, pointing to our own hearts to discover what is true isn't just a matter of honesty but also of compassion and respect for what we see."
Pema Chodron
"When Things Fall Apart