Are you worried about how the health problems and challenging behaviours of your children will impact their future potential?
Do you long for more peace and fun in your family with less time spent disciplining your children or managing chronic health issues?

Margaret H. Evans R.N.,B.Sc.N., C.P.C.C.
Registered nurse, Certified professional life coach
In this workshop you will receive an extensive workbook and will learn:
- A practical, step by step process to determine whether food sensitivities might be at the root of your child's challenges and what food might be the cause.
- Simple strategies to implement sustainable diet changes in a way that will make it easier for you and fun for your child.
- A proven, step by step, process of identifying the stumbling blocks and natural strengths of your family to ensure success.
FROM 6:30 pm t0 9:30 pm
Shaughnessy Heights United Church Hall
1550 West 33rd Avenue,
Vancouver, B.C.
Cost $50.00
Seating is limited so please sign up early so you won't be disappointed.
10% of the profits from this workshop will go to the Gateway Society for children with autism. The link to their website is www.gatewaysociety.org