Saturday, July 25, 2009

Successful Diet Change

Dynamic Choices offers a unique and individualized approach to dealing with food sensitivities. A brief summary is provided here but the complete program requires individual consultation with our professionals.

Important Elements of Successful Diet Change

  • Consultation with a knowledgeable and supportive professional to help the client deal with the challenges of diet revision and to celebrate their successes
  • Identification of individual signs and symptoms
  • Identification of possible offending foods
  • Knowledge of appropriate substitutes to replace foods being eliminated
  • Knowledge of basic nutrition to ensure adequate intake of nutrients despite eliminated foods
  • Identification of factors that will motivate the client and help them answer the question: “How do I change?”
  • Development of an attitude of balance and an effort to deal with the diet changes as just part of the daily routine
  • Recognition that diet alteration usually results in a grief reaction that follows a number of stages
  • A patient and committed attitude that recognizes that change is often difficult and takes time to be incorporated into daily life
  • Understanding that food sensitivities are influenced by many aspects of the client's life and that dealing with stress is crucial to the success of diet alteration