Wednesday, May 11, 2011


What happens when the weeks and weeks of cancer treatment are no longer on the calendar? What do you do next? What do you need now? Do you have friends and family who will hang in there and offer ongoing support even though your acute illness is behind you?
This video talks about survivorship and life following a cancer diagnosis. The uncertainty, the after affects of treatment, the desire to redefine your life, and the need for ongoing support. Finding healthy hope and a way to embrace what is ahead while still honouring the journey you have been on is important. Find people in your life who will continue to share your joys, successes and frustrations and will help you ride the roller coaster of emotions and experiences that will follow.
While this video talks directly about life after cancer, the concept applies to everyone facing a chronic illness or any life changing experience. Even when the acute experience is over, the affects often continue and so does the need for empathetic listening and support.