What gets in the way of you making the choices in your life that will take you where you want to go? What obstacles keep surfacing just at the moment you commit to doing something to change that persistent and negative behaviour? We are all inundated with information on how to do almost anything we need learn from the best diet to lose those pounds, the right schools for our kids, the best way to parent or how to address the food sensitivities in our family. It isn't about not knowing what to do - it is about being able to actually do it.
This video from Brene Brown is one of the very best insights into this topic I have ever seen. Her research on shame and vulnerability have helped her to identify the human experiences that shape our ability to successfully choose the life that we want. Take few minutes to watch this inspiring yet challenging video and ponder where in your life you might be stumbling on shame.
The link is: http://vimeo.com/11967584
For more wonderful inspiration from Brene Brown, check out her blog at