This morning I printed off my book on the topic of food sensitivities and children! It has been an interesting experience to notice the emotional roller coaster that it has placed me on. There is a huge sense of relief, of gratitude, of adventure and gleeful terror over what might be next as well as more than a few saboteur voices of doubt.
This book, like the ones written by so many people, has been years in the making. I began it when our children were small and I was struggling trying to sort out their diet. It was put on hold when life become too busy and I couldn't find time to write or work with families facing similar challenges. As I tell my clients all the time, however, dreams don't have deadlines and when the time is right, the doors will open. My journey with this book has been nothing short of miraculous. God placed the most amazing people and opportunities in my path over the last few years and all of them have contributed to the wonderful experience it has been. I have loved every minute of it. I could actually get lost in the experience of writing and long for the rest of my life to just let me be for a while.
There is still a final proof read by my wonderful editor Gordon to go before it is sent off to the publishers but the most difficult piece is finished. I am grateful to him for his patience, wisdom, great connections and wonderful friendship. This journey has been so much richer with him to share it with.
As well, I am grateful to my family for their support and for the many friends who have continued to be interested and supportive of my journey. It is an immense gift to be able to offer the wisdom I have acquired in almost 58 years of living back to other families facing similar challenges. It feels like a wonderful legacy to leave. The biggest legacy I leave, however, is our children and grandsons. It is the impact that changing their diet has had on their lives that bring me the most joy. It has been worth every minute of extra effort as my husband and I now enjoy watching them all thrive in their lives. It is the best gift I could imagine.
I hope all of you have dreams that you are working toward and planning and that you embrace the idea that dreams do not have deadlines. Sometimes the dream is delayed simply because there is more learning you need to do to make it work. The reward of finally achieving it is worth the wait!!
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