"What are the five most important goals I want to achieve in my lifetime so that when I am lying on my deathbed, I can look back at my life and feel satisfied and complete? If I spend the next 5 years the same way I've spent the last 5 years, how much closer to achieving my lifetime goals will I be?" What great questions to ponder!
I attended a course on the development of powerful questions that have the ability to help us create the life we truly want. This course was given by Alan Jacques and contained some of the material of his upcoming book. As a coach I am always asking powerful, thought provoking questions to help my clients get clear on what matters most to them in life. Our thoughts have great power and we can transform our lives by transforming what we think. Negative thoughts have the power to stop us from taking risks and to live a life full of limitations. Rather than courageously go after what we want, we settle, instead, for what we feel we deserve or what is easy. If we carefully craft questions that offer "relentless intention" according to Alan Jacques, we will be open to the wide expanse of possibilities for our life and motivated to go and get it!
What answers would you give to the questions above? What could you change in your life today to make your actions more congruent with how you want your future to be? What is stopping you from doing it right now!