The answer is easy. If you identify the food in your diet that is bothering both you and your baby you will find peace within a few days. We all know that things like cabbage, chocolate, and beans don't agree with babies and seem to bring on bouts of gas and screaming. In addition to these foods, however, there is another food that needs to be removed. The most common culprit is dairy products - the one thing that the dairy foundation tells you you must have gallons of if you are nursing. If you are nursing, the milk you consume appears in your breast milk and creates a potential problem for you baby.
If your baby is screaming, drawing up his legs, and sleeping for only a few minutes at a time, try removing all of the dairy products from your diet. This includes, cheese, yogurt, and milk, as well as any breads or other foods that contain casein or whey powder. You must read labels to be sure. Doing it only 80% won't be enough to work. If you are bottle feeding, change your formula to a soy based one. Some babies are also bothered by soya, however, so if this happens to you, please go to your doctor and get additional information on non dairy and non soya formulas.
While all babies cry and have fussy times of the day, when the screaming goes on for hours and you are completely exhausted caring for them, you need something practical to try. Removing dairy products might just be your answer.
If you would like more support either identifying the food that is bothering your baby or would like some support as you navigate your new journey of motherhood, please email me and I would be delighted to chat with you. My email is