Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This video link I have included here is absolutely hilarious and so true that it makes all the times I have struggled with change seem ridiculous. I am involved in a business program that addresses the power of our intentions. What we intend to do is what we do. We usually try to convince ourselves that we are "intending" to do something else but, if you want to know what you really want, notice what you are doing. Sound simple. It actually is.

If you want to change what you are doing, change the power of your intention. If you want to change your child's diet successfully, you must be highly motivated to do it and then put the structures in place to support your decision. Figure out why you want to do it then increase your motivation so it is 10 times greater so that you can't wait to tackle the problem. You then must design a fail safe plan to make it work. Take time to ensure that this plan has included steps for unexpected emergencies and even a plan for when you want to bail on your plan.

Rather than view change with such a serious energy, try lightening up on the topic. Focus on what you really want and then design the most exciting and fun based way to get it. If you are stuck, ask your kids. They are masters of fun and don't even have to think about it.

Watch this video which has had thousands of hits on YouTube. Clearly, I am not the only person who stumbles with change when I really just need to "STOP IT!!!


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Saturday, November 27, 2010


The snow that was falling over the last few days was a reminder that Christmas is on the way. As our little grandsons returned from a holiday in the sun with anticipation of playing in the snow the next morning, their waiting was disappointed as it was all gone when they woke up.

For me, Christmas is a season of waiting but a reminder, as well, to enjoy the little moments. In the Christian tradition, tomorrow is the beginning of Advent which is the time of excitement and anticipation of the birth of Jesus. For many little children it is the anticipation Christmas morning and belief that Santa will slide down their chimney and leave something special for them. For many others, the waiting is simply for the holiday to be over. Their loneliness, sense of isolation or inability to provide even a small gift for their child because of their difficult financial circumstances makes the season one of sadness rather than joy.

Other people have lost loved ones this past year and will be struggling through their grief as they find a way to cope with the empty chair that now sits around their Christmas dinner table. They, too, often long for the season to be over.

Waiting can be a difficult thing to do. We hope for something wonderful yet sometimes are disappointed. For me, this is the reason for faith. It is faith that helps me trust that something new and wonderful can come from even the most challenging circumstances. It is faith that allows me to trust that even though there are many things I can't understand in the moment, there will be brighter days ahead. It is faith that life is unfolding as it should that allows me to embrace the joyful moments in my life rather than always be in a state of waiting for something different than what I have.

As I wait for Christmas, wait for the shopping to be done, wait for our son to return from overseas to join our Christmas table, wait to see whether a publisher will agree to take on my book, and wait for the safe arrival of our next little grandchild, I am committed to being thankful for the moments I have. My faith seems to have grown stronger as I have aged and it seems a little easier to trust that my life has purpose and that it is only my job to listen. I don't have to wait for the big things in life to arrive but can find the hope, peace, joy and love of Christmas in the every day moments of the year.

As I was searching the internet for another topic I came across this most beautiful advent video. It is one of the most beautiful videos for Christmas that I have ever seen so I share the link for you to enjoy, as well. May the waiting in your life be peaceful and may you always find the faith and trust you need to know that there will always be something wonderful on the other side.

The link for the video is below. The website for the other beautiful videos prepared by this woman is http://msainfo.org


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Thursday, November 11, 2010


This website is the most beautiful and inspiring one I have ever seen! The link to one of Andie's movies was sent to me this morning and it led me to explore where it came from. The movies on this website offer inspiring messages of faith on a multitude of topics. Whether it is a movie for a precious, forever friend or one to help you cope with the sadness of death, there are many to enjoy. When you need to be uplifted, encouraged, or are looking for a way to share your gratitude with someone you love, take time to scroll through this website - you might just find the perfect one. Enjoy! The link is www.andiesisle.com
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Take a few minutes to watch this lovely video. What do you believe about the beauty of this planet? What do you teach your children? Do you take time in your day to enjoy the wonders around you or are you rushing so fast you barely notice. Today is Remembrance Day and there are so many people who are not here to enjoy the beauty this world has to offer so take a few minutes to remember them and their families and to enjoy the gift of life that you have.

The link is http://www.andiesisle.com/creation/magnificent.html
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